06/24/2022 • by Rev. Camille May
When I was a little girl, I loved to visit our family's general store. My grandfather and his siblings carried on the family tradition of running the store until the early 1980s. The merchandise was divided into thirds: dry goods, groceries, and hardware. My great aunt sold fabrics and notions an...
06/21/2022 •Justice
United We Stand: HPUMC receives the Pioneer Unity Award
On Wednesday, June 15, HPUMC received the Pioneer Unity Award from Project Unity at the “Together We Sing” Awards and Concert at the Meyerson Symphony Center. The one-time award honors hard work, dedication, and belief in Project Unity’s vision of making a difference, and was given to faith commu...
VBS 2022 makes waves of joy at HPUMC
“When we meet in Wesley Hall, and the music starts playing, and we’re doing the dance moves, even the shy kids, it’s like they come out. I think because the spotlight’s not really on them, they feel like they can really get into the music, so I‘ll catch a glimpse of these kids really singing thei...
05/17/2022 • by Rev. Camille May
How can we support those who are hurting?
In the fall of my junior year in college, my grandmother died. A week and a half later, my father died. In a matter of days, everything changed for my family. I honestly do not know how I made it through final exams that semester, but somehow, I managed. I returned to school after Christmas break...
05/10/2022 •Serving
Spirit of the Mission: 2022 Georgia Bates Award
On an overcast spring day, the United Methodist Women of Highland Park United Methodist Church brought sunshine to Great Hall. The room was abuzz with lively conversation and warm hugs of welcome as women and men, alike, gathered around tables decorated with bright yellow flowers and lemons. All ...
05/03/2022 • by Rev. Chelsea Peddecord
Seniors’ Parting Thoughts
If you joined us in Cornerstone on May 1 at 11 am, you may have found yourself a little teary-eyed. That’s because this past Sunday we celebrated, blessed, and recognized the class of 2022.
Every time we bless the children in our church, we are practicing the words of Deuteronomy 6:5-7 which s...
05/03/2022 •Justice
United Not Divided: Together We Dine
Together We Dine started off as a mustard seed of an idea by St. Luke “Community” UMC Pastor Richie Butler. He thought, why not bring people that might not be like us and think like us around a table and share what we have learned. And that’s just what happened on Sunday, April 24, when members ...
Crossroads: Sean Tuohy’s story of finding purpose in football
For Sean Tuohy, growing up in a family rooted in faith and purposefulness (the very family that inspired the story of The Blind Side, as a matter of fact) was nothing out of the ordinary.
“Truthfully, we just had a family that instilled the principles of purpose more than I realized,” he said. “W...
When the school bus stops coming: The Alex Dean Story
When you arrive at The Hub closest to the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings to get a muffin or cup of coffee, you will most likely find Alex Dean, Chance’s employee and Belong Disability Ministry participant, manning the cash register. And while he might give you a thank you and a smile during your tr...
Elizabeth, A Godly Friend: Karla Nivens
Karla Nivens, now Director of Justice Ministry, was on the Cornerstone’s worship team when Rev. Elizabeth Moseley joined the HPUMC staff.
“The message was, ‘She was a Rhodes Scholar, we've got the smartest person ever that has come through theology school,’” Karla said. “We were like, ‘Well, wha...