09/03/2022 Recovery

What We Believe - Recovery Ministry

The ability God has given us to seek freedom is a powerful thing. We have seen firsthand the relief experienced when people break free of the hold addiction can have. HPUMC’s Recovery Ministry exists to this effect, aiming to help those struggling receive the guidance and encouragement they need ...

09/02/2022 by Analise Narine Kids Ministry, Serving

The Kingdom starts here: Serving with HPUMC Kids

We were all kids once. We may have had babysitters, tutors, coaches, youth group leaders, and Sunday School teachers who helped raise and shape us into who we are today. We may even have fond memories of a teacher who we accidentally called “mom” once or twice, or a sweet elderly woman who provid...

08/22/2022 by Rev. Camille May

Renewing our minds

For many of us, it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Our to-do lists and never-ending projects can quickly lead us to lose sight of what matters most. However, taking just a few minutes each day to slow down can have a profound impact on our state of mind. When w...

07/26/2022 Serving

Singing the praises: HPUMC Traditional Choirs

Every family has its own unique traditions. For the Bell family, it’s being a part of the choirs at HPUMC. Grandmother and Chancel Choir member Carol Bell has been singing as part of the Chancel Choir since 2017. Her son and daughter-in-law, Scott and Elaine Bell, now volunteer with their kids, ...

07/19/2022 Parenting

From cradle to Confirmation: HPUMC nurtures faith journeys

In the Sanctuary, mom-of-three Michele Spillman sheds tears of joy as her son, Sutton, professes his faith at the 2022 HPUMC Confirmation service. The Spillman family joined the church when Sutton was around six months old, and this year, the 13-year-old was confirmed into the Christian faith and...

07/19/2022 Serving

Jim Beyer: Serving as a way of life

If it’s Sunday, you can most likely count on finding Jim Beyer at the downstairs south entrance to Wesley Hall with a smile on his face. He kicks off his week by welcoming guests into the 11 am Cornerstone service. From serving as a greeter for Cornerstone and participating as a Stephen Minister ...

07/11/2022 Outreach

New building welcomes children of Costa Rica

Jesus welcomes children in the vibrant mural adorning the Methodist Children’s Home of Costa Rica’s brand-new Multipurpose Building. Contrasting the facility’s fresh white paint, the colorful scene reflects the bright hues of the tropical countryside and Costa Rican culture, as well as the Buildi...

07/11/2022 Inspirational

Stephen Ministry: Samaritans in Secret

Life can change in an instant. The shockwaves of an accident or tragedy are never contained to the moment in time that it happens, or even in the weeks or months that follow. The effects continue to echo through the lives of family and friends in their search for healing. Andi Fancher, Director o...

07/01/2022 Outreach

In the footsteps: Camp-to-Career creates path for success

When you think of camp, thoughts of playing games, making friends, and getting your energy out in the summer sun might come to mind. For campers and Wranglers (a nickname for volunteers) at Stoney Creek Ranch in New Ulm, Texas, HPUMC’s Camp-to-Career, formerly known as HPUMC Outreach Camp Scholar...

06/30/2022 Serving

Get connected to HPUMC: Ways to serve

As we hit the midway point of summer, and fall plans are slowly starting to make their way into planners, remember there are ways you can fill some of that time by connecting with the Highland Park United Methodist Church community. Here are a few ways to get back in the swing of things by servi...