Support Groups


Turning to God in the face of addiction

In my last few years of drinking, I became acutely aware that something was different. The fun and camaraderie were diminishing, and the process of drinking while trying to live a productive life became challenging.

AA: Upper Room

This is a closed Alcoholics Anonymous meeting open to adults who have a desire to stop drinking.


Recovery: Filling life with the light of God

About a year ago, I went on a first date with my now-boyfriend. We took our dogs on a stroll down Lakeside and things went so well that we decided to get a “drink” at Royal Blue.

AA: Sober Mustangs, SMU

This young adult group is an open weekly meeting for those seeking information, sobriety, and recovery from addiction.


How a Christmas in rehab brought one family closer

Like many families, being together is an essential part of the Smith* family’s Christmas day tradition. They typically dress in their Christmas pajamas, open presents, and go skiing. One year, however, was drastically different.

Parents of Addicted Loved Ones Support Group

This support group meets in person every Monday evening at 6:30 pm in room 244/245. You can also attend the meeting via Zoom.


Reach out for recovery: A mother’s plea to parents

You know you’re in a dark place when sending your 14-year-old son away to an inpatient treatment program feels like a relief.

Parents of Addicted Loved Ones Support Group

This support group meets in person every Monday evening at 6:30 pm in room 244/245. You can also attend the meeting via Zoom.