Elizabeth, A Friendly Face: Robert Smith

April 26, 2022 by Analise Narine

Robert Smith, Print Shop Manager, began working with Rev. Elizabeth Moseley in the print shop when she joined the Cornerstone team at HPUMC, helping her with print projects and mail.

“I remember her when they first brought her on board,” Robert said. “Paul was taking her around and introducing her to everybody. From right off, she seemed like someone that you could feel comfortable talking with, and it's been like that for me ever since she’s been here.”

Robert and Elizabeth developed a friendship in the print shop during her years at HPUMC, discussing everything from daily life to theology.

“She was a very knowledgeable person, and she’s very friendly,” Robert said. “Sometimes her beliefs might be a little different than mine, so we enjoyed each other's conversation and being around each other.”

Robert said he could always count on seeing a smile on Elizabeth’s face when encountering her in the hallway, and could always have an engaging conversation with her.

“Everybody should have a friend like that in the workplace,” Robert said “It's quite a bit of laughter, and like the Bible says it's like medicine to the soul, so it's good to be around people like that. A lot of people think Christians are not fun, but they just don't know the right ones.”

When helping record CDs for the church, Robert would often listen to Elizabeth’s sermons. Robert enjoyed her preaching style and says he believes, by listening to her, that she has the spirit of the Lord, which will take her far as she heads to First United Methodist Church.

“God is there to help us,” Robert said. “Even when times get hard and look like things are not going to work out, they will when we are working for the Lord. God takes us through things to get us prepared for what we’ve got ahead, because we never know what's ahead. Only God knows. That's why we need to keep our trust in him.”

“Robert Smith has been a rock for me, and I will absolutely miss walking into the print shop for a word of encouragement or a word of prayer.” - Rev. Elizabeth Moseley