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Light of the World: 2022 Advent Devotional

Light has become a key part of the Christmas season. We string lights around our Christmas trees and cover our homes in them. Each Sunday during Advent, we light a candle in the midst of a wreath. On Christmas Eve, we raise a lit candle as we sing about a silent night. And we tell the story of a baby that was born beneath the light of a twinkling star in a manger in Bethlehem. This Advent, we’re chasing the light from Genesis to Revelation, in order to uncover how Jesus not only brings light to the world but lights up the dark places in our own lives as well.

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Daily Readings & Reflections:


Day One | Monday, Nov. 28

Reading: Genesis 1:1–5, 14–19

Reflection: In the beginning, there was darkness. Then, on the first day of Creation, God breaks into the darkness and speaks light into existence. God gives us the gift of day and night. Then, on the fourth day, God fills the day and night with other lights—the sun, the moon, and the stars. Now, no matter what time it is or where we are, there is always a light within view.

Together, these lights mark the passing of sacred time—days, seasons, years—the rhythm by which we live our lives. They are the first steps of God creating a world where humans can flourish. And God calls it good. These first days of Creation stand as a testament to the fact that, no matter how dark and chaotic the world may seem, God’s light will overcome.

And just like the lights that blinked on the first days of Creation, God creates each of us out of the darkness of our mother’s womb. Even before we are brought into the world, God knows us and deeply desires for us to have life. We’re not meant to just get by. God ordered the whole world so that we could thrive. So we could have life abundant; the good, joy-filled, satisfying life that only comes through living in God’s light.


  • What are the bright sources of light in your life?

  • Where are the shadows growing in your life? Are you experiencing darkness? Today, in prayer, ask God to break through the darkness as He did in the beginning.

Day Two | Tuesday, Nov. 29

Reading: Genesis 2:7-9, 15-17

Reflection: Out of the dark, rich soil of the earth, God formed the first humans. God plants them in a garden and tells them to enjoy themselves—to be fruitful and multiply! All around them, trees stretch toward the light, but two trees stand out amongst the others. First, there’s the tree of life, representing the light of God’s presence and the promise of a life spent forever with God. The other is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Up to this point, only God has defined what is good and what is not good. So, from this second tree, God tells the humans not to eat, for if they do, darkness will consume them. These first humans now face a test. Two trees. One represents light and life. The other is darkness and death. From which tree will they take?

Out of the darkness we, too, were made, birthed into a world full of dirt and grit. Our eyes are trained to see the darkness all around us, but it’s much more difficult for us to recognize the potential for darkness within us. Just like Adam and Eve, we are often caught between the choice to do what is right and what feels good. Will we trust and obey God, who will keep us in the light? Or will we forge our own path, which may lead to darkness?


  • Spend a moment reflecting on the struggle between light and dark in your own heart and mind. Where do you feel it most?

  • Now, imagine you were to walk in the way that leads to darkness. What would that reality look like a year or two from now?

  • Now imagine you follow the way that leads to light. What would that look like a year or two from now? How can you choose light?

Day Three | Wednesday, Nov. 30

Reading: Genesis 3:1-7

Reflection: Darkness slithers into the Garden and the snake whispers to the first humans, making them believe that, even as they dwell in the light of the Garden, they are unable to see clearly. It lies to them. Oh, the wonders you would see if only you’d open your eyes! So the humans set their gaze upon the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They see that it is desirable and pleasing to the eye. They take it for themselves and they eat. Instead of listening to the wisdom of God, they choose to do what is right in their own eyes. And their eyes are indeed opened. However, the snake didn’t warn them of the consequences. Instead of seeing new wonders, humans see their own nakedness. They cover themselves from the light, hide from God, and for the first time, darkness creeps into God’s good world.

We’ve been lied to. The world tells us that if we only rely on our own wisdom, we will have life! At first glance, it may seem like a good idea—after all, darkness is sometimes pleasing to the eye and seems desirable. But when millions of people decide for themselves what is good, it leads to chaos and darkness. Because what is good for one may not be good for another. What is right for me and my family in my own eyes may cause hurt and pain for another family that is not like mine. This is why God said eating of that tree would lead to death and darkness. But thankfully, even though we’ve all given in to the darkness, hope is not lost. God isn’t satisfied to leave us in this cycle of darkness. The entire story of the Bible is about the lengths God will go to in order to light up the dark parts of our lives.


  • The voice of the serpent whispers, “do what you think is best.” Where do you hear that voice echoed today in our culture?

  • What’s appealing to us about that idea?

Day Four | Thursday, Dec. 1

Reading: Exodus 10:21-29

Reflection: Generations after the snake first steered humans toward darkness, God’s people find themselves held captive in Egypt. On behalf of God, Moses commands Pharaoh to let God’s people go so they might worship Him in the wilderness. But Pharaoh will not relent. Nine times Moses repeats God’s request. And nine times Pharaoh refuses, each time bringing a plague upon his people. God then tells Moses to stretch out his hand, and darkness spreads over the land. Pharaoh has continued to do whatever is right in his own eyes, bringing death and darkness upon God’s people in the form of oppression and slavery. So now, God will show Pharaoh what it’s like to live in true darkness.

But in the midst of that darkness, a light shines. Like stars in an endless night, lights blink on in the homes of God’s people. In the darkest season of their lives, God assures them that He has heard their cries and will not forsake them.

Just like God’s people in Egypt, we too have become enslaved by spiritual darkness. In some cases, like with Pharaoh, the darkness is of our own making. We desire to go against the way of God, and we reap the consequences of that decision. In other cases, it’s the decisions of others that causes darkness to spread over us. But no matter where the darkness comes from, God’s desire is to bring us back into the light. God wants to rescue us from anything that would keep us in the dark, including ourselves.


  • What feels dark in your life right now? Describe that darkness.

  • Where do you think it comes from? Spend a few moments in prayer. As you pray, ask God to help you see where His light is breaking in today.

Day Five | Friday, Dec. 2

Reading: Nehemiah 9:5-12

Reflection: God rescues His people from the darkness of slavery and leads them into the wilderness. God defeats the source of their suffering when He drowns Pharaoh’s army in the depths of the sea. God shows His people that he is a God who not only hears their cries, but will be faithful to deliver them from anything or anyone who would keep them from the light. And God remains with them, guiding them as a pillar of cloud by day and fiery light by night. It’s as if God’s people were in a dark tunnel, and the only way they know how to get out is by following the kernel of light on the other side.

The same is true for us today. When we’re surrounded by darkness, it can be hard to tell which way is up or down. And if the darkness is deep enough, it’s nearly impossible to find the way out on our own. But God doesn’t want us to stay lost in the dark. He hears our cries and, just like the light at the end of the tunnel, He goes before us to light up the way forward.


  • How have you seen God lead you out of darkness in the past?

  • Is anyone you know experiencing profound darkness right now?

  • What would it look like to reflect the light of God back to them today?

Daily Readings & Reflections:


Day Six | Sunday, Dec. 4

Reading: Psalm 27:1-14

Prayer: God, I confess that my heart grows anxious when I think about the darkness all around me and the darkness within me. But I hold fast to your promise to be with me in the midst of that darkness. Lord, help me to believe that is true for me today. Help me to feel your light over my life, to recognize your presence even in the messy places I so want to keep hidden. Today I fix my eyes on you, my Father, my protector, and my helper. Teach me to follow your way. Make straight my paths. Forgive me where I seek to go my own way instead of allowing your wisdom to guide my steps. And may your goodness and mercy be ever present in the forefront of my mind.


Day Seven | Monday, Dec. 5

Reading: Exodus 19:1-8

Reflection: After Egypt, the people are guided by God’s light into the wilderness for 40 years. They finally arrive at Mt. Sinai where God is going to form and shape them into the nation of Israel. God tells them to remember everything they’ve been through, and He invites them to become His covenant partner. If only they will listen to Him, they will be God’s treasured people. God promises to make them into a kingdom of priests–mediators of God’s blessing to the nations. In this way, Israel will act as a light to the rest of the world. Through the way they live, others will come to know who God is and be called from darkness to light.

After Egypt, the people are guided by God’s light into the wilderness for 40 years. They finally arrive at Mt. Sinai where God is going to form and shape them into the nation of Israel. God tells them to remember everything they’ve been through, and He invites them to become His covenant partner. If only they will listen to Him, they will be God’s treasured people. God promises to make them into a kingdom of priests–mediators of God’s blessing to the nations. In this way, Israel will act as a light to the rest of the world. Through the way they live, others will come to know who God is and be called from darkness to light.


  • If a total stranger were to evaluate what you do with your blessings, what would they assume you care about most?

Day Eight | Tuesday, Dec. 6

Reading: Judges 2:16-23

Reflection: Israel was called to be a light to the nations. But very quickly we see they fail to uphold this sacred duty from God. The people turn to other gods or do whatever is right in their own eyes. So God raises up leaders from among them to try and lead the people out of the darkness once again. But with each new leader that arises, Israel’s darkness only grows until the point where they can no longer see clearly. They are effectively blind.

The Israelites are not the only ones who turn from the light. We all give into the temptation to do whatever is right in our own eyes, to define good and not good for ourselves. We turn to all manner of things to guide us, from money and power to popular culture, relationships, careers, politics, entertainment, you name it. But all these end up doing are blinding us to the reality that we are lost without God. We’re in a dark tunnel with no way out, and no light to guide us to the exit.


  • What are the things, people, or powers that easily become your leading light, when you’re not keeping your eyes on God?

  • Is it possible they’re leading you in a direction you don’t actually want to go?

  • What are you tempted to put in God’s place as the guiding light in your life?

  • Where do you think these things are actually leading you?

Day Nine | Wednesday, Dec. 7

Reading: Job 3:1-10

Reflection: Job was a wealthy man, with a loving family, and lots of success. But in the blink of an eye, through no fault of his own, Job lost everything. In just one day, the livestock that fuels his livelihood are killed, along with his servants and all ten of his children through various calamities. His grief is so thick that Job curses the day he was born. Rather than face this overwhelming darkness, he’d rather never have lived at all. Job confronts God, bringing all of his emotion and anger before Him. And he learns that, even in the midst of his suffering, he can trust that God is good and wise.

For those who’ve experienced loss and pain, the holidays can be difficult. A time that is supposed to be full of joy and light may feel dark and joyless. Whether we know the suffering we face is of our own making, or through no fault of our own, it’s difficult to imagine how we might be lifted out of the mud we feel stuck in.

While God never promises His people a life without pain and loss, Job reminds us that we can bring all of our emotions before God. God can handle the complexity of our pain, our vulnerabilities and doubt. And not only that, God wants to walk with us in our pain. We serve a God who understands loss because he himself has experienced it.

We can trust that while we may not yet have the eyes to see clearly, God is still good and trustworthy no matter what circumstances we face. And we can rest assured that God’s light can break into even the most overwhelming and unimaginable circumstances.


  • Who do you know who might be in pain this holiday season?
  • How can you be the light for them this week in a real, tangible way?

Day 10 | Thursday, Dec. 8

Reading: Isaiah 5:20-24

Reflection: The darkness within Israel only continued to grow as the people and their leaders turned further from God’s guiding light. They trusted in the wisdom of their own eyes for so long that they forgot how to see clearly. They called bad things good and good things bad; They traded the light for darkness, and found pleasure in it. Worse, they denied justice to those who deserved it and allowed the guilty to go free and didn’t make God’s love and mercy known among the nations. So God calls upon the Prophet Isaiah to warn them about the dangers of believing they know better than God, of the judgment that will come if they continue on this path.

What happens when we choose and celebrate the darkness? The core of who we are, our character, begins to erode. Where we were designed to be whole, we are half-hearted. Where we were made to be joyful and full of peace, we are anxious, overwhelmed, and downcast. We lose our capacity to love others. The roots that we depend on to grow in maturity, to anchor us in God’s light, begin to decay. We lose any ability to produce good fruit–to love others the way God loves us.

But thankfully, this isn’t where the story ends.


  • How do you discern what is wise and unwise?

  • What process do you go through to make good, solid decisions?

  • How do you make room to hear God’s voice in that process?

Day 11 | Friday, Dec. 9

Reading: Isaiah 60:1-3, 18-22

Reflection: Just like before Creation, darkness hovered over the face of the earth. Only this time, it was a darkness of our own making, a direct result of the good we called evil and the evil we called good. Where God’s people were supposed to be representatives of love and hope and justice, they’d become beacons of violence and pain and oppression. But all hope was not lost. Just like in the beginning, God promises to break in once more with His life-giving light. God tells Isaiah that a day is coming where God’s light will shine on His people once more. A day when sorrows shall pass and the violence will cease, because God will be our everlasting light. And so God’s people looked forward to this new creation, when the veil of darkness would lift and give way to a new kind of light–a testament to God’s great love for us, that no matter how dark the world became, God’s desire was always to restore the light to His people.


  • No matter how much darkness threatens to cover the earth, God promises to break through with light. What does this make you think about what God is like?

Daily Readings & Reflections:


Day 12 | Sunday, Dec. 11

Reading: Psalm 82:1-8

Prayer: God, you are a lover of justice. You defend the weak, the poor, the oppressed among us. Father, we confess that we embraced darkness instead of your light. We have loved power and security, and rather than helping our neighbors, we served our own ambitions.

God rescue us from ourselves! Teach us to walk in your ways, to love those whom you love and offer help and hope to those who need it most. Teach us to defend the cause of the poor and oppressed, the weak and needy. And help us to recognize the weakness and need for your light within ourselves, too.


Day 13 | Monday, Dec. 12

Reading: John 1:1-14

Reflection: In the midst of the darkness, a light flickers on. God, once again, breaks into creation to bring order to chaos and light to the places where death reigns. The Word comes to signal the end of the tunnel, directing people out of the darkness and back into the light of God’s presence. To a world living in darkness, Jesus arrives. But the world which has lived for so long in darkness doesn’t recognize the light, and only some trust it enough to open their eyes.

For those who do see Jesus for who he is, it’s like our world is upended–like we were seeing in black and white before, and Jesus’ arrival in our life brings a kaleidoscope of color. It’s as if the scales were pulled back from our eyes and we can truly see again. In Jesus, we become new creations. We have the chance to experience a new life, true life. And to every person who accepts this light, we become like a sea of little flames breaking through the darkness. This is the good news of the Gospel, the light has come for people whose world is in utter darkness! And the darkness cannot overcome it.


  • Is there a moment you can think of where you feel like Jesus brought light into a dark situation?

  • What was this experience like? How did it change the way you think about your faith?

Day 14 | Tuesday, Dec. 13

Reading: John 3:16-21

Reflection: God loves the world, even though the world loves darkness, and Jesus is the evidence of that love. But the sad reality is that we cannot truly appreciate who Jesus is until we see how dark and broken the world really is. Until we recognize that we are stumbling aimlessly in the dark, we’ll never be willing to open our eyes to see the light of Christ.

For those who’ve spent enough time without the light, their eyes have already adjusted. They believe they are the ones who can see clearly. Where the dark was once intimidating, now it is comfortable, desirable even. But we were not created to live in the dark. On a physical level, too much time in the dark causes our moods to shift. We’re more likely to have trouble concentrating, trouble sleeping, feel sluggish, and tend toward depression. And on a spiritual level, darkness desensitizes us to the evil of the world, and can even make us hate the things that God calls good.

So Jesus comes to call us back to the light. To show us a way forward in truth and hope, guiding us through the pain of recalibrating to the light, until our eyes are fully open once more.


  • What are the signs that we might be getting too comfortable in the dark?

  • Where have you become desensitized to darkness?

  • What does it look like to reacquaint your vision to the light?

Day 15 | Wednesday, Dec. 14

Reading: John 12:44-50

Reflection: Jesus offers us a way forward, out of the darkness and into light. By believing in Jesus, our eyes can be opened to a larger reality, God’s life-giving presence with us. Jesus is like a mirror, a reflection of the One who is light and goodness embodied.

Jesus invites us to follow him, to hear and keep his words, so we may experience more of his light that leads to eternal life. Eternal life is not about an endless quantity of years, but rather the quality of those years. Jesus doesn’t want us just to live forever, he wants us to live as whole human beings. He wants us to be who we were created to be and to experience life in its fullness. A life full of joy, peace, love, hope, and companionship–the way life was meant to be lived! This is the kind of life that comes when God shines the light of Christ in our lives. The only question is whether we will step out of the darkness to embrace it.


  • Rest in the fact that, as our darkness is brought into the light, Jesus doesn’t condemn us for it, but seeks to save us from it. How might God be calling you to step out into the light this week?

Day 16 | Thursday, Dec. 15

Reading: John 9:1-7

Reflection: The Prophets looked forward to the day when the eyes of the blind would be opened, when those who lived in darkness would see light. Jesus comes to fulfill that promise. He doesn’t just walk by the blind man, he stops and takes notice of him. Jesus comes to save the world, yes, but he does so by restoring individuals. Jesus recognizes that darkness this man faces is a result of the broken world we live in, not some fault of his own or his family. And he teaches his disciples what it means to break into a person’s life with the healing light of God.

Jesus literally restores the man’s sight, but more importantly, he opens the man’s eyes to the reality of God’s great love for him. This is a man who likely never had experienced this love, or believed that God cared enough to notice him in the darkness.

Jesus wants to open our eyes too. He wants to chase away anything that would keep us from recognizing and experiencing God’s great love for us. It’s easy to believe that God loves the world, but not always as easy to believe that God loves us, too. Jesus doesn’t seek to condemn us for the dark crevices within us. Instead, he shines light into those dark places, into individual lives, in order to transform fear and anxiety, shame and guilt, into unexpected and incomprehensible joy!


  • Do you believe that God loves you unconditionally and wholeheartedly as you are right now?
  • If yes, what experience can you point to that gives you the confidence in believing? If not, what do you think is keeping you from seeing God’s promise as being for you, too?

Day 17 | Friday, Dec. 16

Reading: Matthew 27:45-54

Reflection: Jesus took on all of the violence and pain and humiliation that the world could throw at him as he was nailed to the cross. And it was all for us. He endured the agony of the brutal beatings, the nails in his hands and feet all so we could escape the darkness ourselves and experience God’s light.

It may seem odd to talk about the cross as we prepare to celebrate Christmas, but we cannot truly appreciate the birth of Christ if we don’t also remember the death of Christ—the reason Jesus took on flesh and dwelt among us in the first place. Jesus came to tear down the boundaries between us and Heaven—the curtain of the temple was literally torn in two when he gave up his last breath.

To rescue us from eternal darkness and despair, Jesus gave up his life. And because he endured the full force of darkness, we can now experience the fullness of life.


  • How does focusing on the crucifixion and death of Jesus change the way you prepare your heart for Christmas morning?

Daily Readings & Reflections:


Day 18 | Sunday, Dec. 18

Reading: Psalm 139:7-16

Prayer: God, there is nowhere we can go to escape your light, for even the darkness is light to you. You know every part of us, the good and the bad, and yet you love us anyway. You were willing to venture into the darkness for us. Jesus endured the pain and humiliation of the cross so that we could be brought back into the light of your presence. You do not shy away from the darkness of this world, nor the darkness that is in each of us.

Thank you, God, that you don’t leave us to our own devices. No matter where we go, you are with us. Father, we submit all of our dark crevices to you. Guide us into the light. So we might be light to those around us.


Day 19 | Monday, Dec. 19

Reading: Luke 1:68-79

Reflection: Before Jesus was born, another son came into the world–the one who would prepare the way for Jesus. His father, overcome with emotion at the sight of his child bursts into song. He sings of God’s greatness and mercy, about how God refuses to give up on His people even when they willingly turn to darkness.

While all of us have some measure of darkness in us, God still loves us. But God also loves us too much to leave us in darkness. So God sends the sun to shine on those living in darknesses, but not just for our own benefit. The end goal is that we would become people who bring more peace into the world. Jesus shines onus so we might have the light of Christ in us.

And the world needs more people who have the light of Christ in them.


  • Being the light for others is not just a one-time endeavor, but a rhythm of living that starts

    first within ourselves. What is one thing you could do to make more room for God’s light to flood in?

Day 20 | Tuesday, Dec. 20

Reading: Ephesians 5:8-20

Reflection: The early church continued to use the idea of light to talk about how they ought to live and relate to the world around them. The Apostle Paul writes to the church in Ephesus, warning them to stay away from anything that would bring darkness back into their world. He tells them to wake up, to open their eyes and let the light of Christ shine on them. He warns them that it really matters how they live—either they will produce the good fruit that comes from a life fueled by God’s light within them or they will be like empty twigs that hold no fruit and serve no real purpose.

We are all moving toward something. Either we are moving toward the light or away from it. And the closer we move toward the light, the more the things we’d rather keep hidden become exposed. This can be a painful process. It hurts when the secrets we want to keep buried in the dark are brought out into the light. But it really does matter how we live. It’s not as if God gives us a list of rules to follow because that’s just how God likes things to be. It’s that the Creator of the Universe and the one who formed us knows exactly what we need to thrive and cares enough about us to take our hand and guide us into the light. We can either then decide for ourselves what we need, or trust that God is good and wise and wants what’s best for us, even when that road seems difficult. The choice is ours.


  • Think about the last seven days. Where have you seen evidence of good fruit in your life: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control.

  • Are there areas where the opposite is true? Why do you think that’s the case?

Day 21 | Wednesday, Dec. 21

Reading: Matthew 5:13-16

Reflection: Before he died, Jesus gathered his followers around a mountain to hear a message from God. Jesus describes a new kind of Kingdom, an upside-down Kingdom where the first shall be last and the last first. He says that, in the way that salt kept food from decaying, God’s people can now be part of preventing the decay that darkness causes in the world. We are called to be salt and light. Through the way we live, the way we sacrificially love others and follow the way of Jesus, we can bring light into the world. We can chase away the decay that comes through a life lived in darkness. This is why we were created. To partner with God, to join God’s creative work in the midst of chaos and darkness, to be the light of Christ that pierces the darkness and brings hope to those who need it the most.


  • What does it look like to let your light shine for others today?

Day 22 | Thursday, Dec. 22

Reading: 1 Peter 2:4-10

Reflection: Years after the death and resurrection of Jesus, we see that his followers are being charged to fulfill Israel’s original calling, to be a light to the nations. God promised to make Israel His treasured possession if they would obey the Torah, and live in such a way that God’s nature and character were revealed to the world. Israel was meant to be priests–mediators between God and the rest of humanity. Now that promise is extended to Jesus’ disciples–followers of the Way.

Love. Justice. Mercy. Compassion. Jesus builds these qualities into his followers, not just for their own sake, but for the sake of others. Just as Jesus is a mirror that reflects God’s light, we are called to reflect the light of Christ to a hurting and broken world. We are blessed to be a blessing; Our lives are not our own. God brought us out of the darkness, out of spiritual oppression and slavery to death, so we could do the same to our neighbors who are living in darkness.

Jesus died and rose again, so we can go to those who are dying and show them the way to resurrection.


  • How does it change the way you think about your life, your values, your priorities, the way you spend your resources, when you consider your role as God’s healing agents to a hurting and broken world?

Day 23 | Friday, Dec. 23

Reading: Acts 2:2-12

Reflection: At Pentecost, we’re told tongues of fire (little lights) come and rest on each of the disciples as they are gathered together. Throughout the Bible, fire is used as a symbol for God’s presence, from Moses at the burning bush to the fiery cloud that guides Israel through the wilderness. Now, God once again brings the fire of His presence to His people. Only this time, it is through the power of the Holy Spirit. The fiery light of God’s Spirit fills the disciples so they can actually go do the work Jesus prepared them for.

In all that we do, we carry that same Spirit within us. The same Spirit that was with God in the beginning at Creation now lives within each of us! And it is only because we have God’s light within us that we are able to be a light to those around us. The Spirit is what pushes us out of our comfort zones and helps us to wrestle with the dark pockets inside of us. And in this way, we are never alone. We don’t go about the work of Jesus on our own power, but out of the overflowing of God’s power within us.

Because we have God’s Spirit within us, we are able to do extraordinary things beyond what we ever thought possible on our own.


Take a moment to pray the following prayer. As you say each phrase, take a deep breath in, and a deep breath out. Repeat as many times as you’d like to, inviting God’s Spirit to bring light into the dark places of you:

Holy Spirit,
Breath of God, breathe into me.
Transform me.

Christmas Eve | Saturday, Dec. 24

Reading: Isaiah 9:1-7

Reflection: On Christmas Eve we are full of anticipation for the Christ child to come. The thing we’ve waited for all year has finally arrived. At Christmas Eve services, we sing “Silent Night” and lift up our candles in the midst of a dark room. And as our individual flame is joined by those around us we become a sea of light illuminating the entire room as we join the hosts of heaven declaring:

Christ the Savior is born!
Christ the Savior is born!

This moment is a reminder that no matter how pervasive the darkness, light always wins. Just as we have seen the light of Christ, so too must the world now see the light of Christ’s church. We must hold our flame high and proclaim the beauty and majesty and healing power of Christ’s love within us for the world around us. This is the beauty of Christmas–it’s a reminder that even in the darkest night, God is not far from us. Through the power of the Spirit, God’s light lives in each of us, shining forth to light up the darkness.


  • As you light your candle on Christmas Eve, whether during worship or at home with your family, consider what this symbol means to you. How do you see the beauty and meaning of Christmas reflected in the light?

Christmas Day | Sunday, Dec. 25

Reading: Revelation 22:1-7

Prayer: God, today we thank you that, even though we live in a world where darkness is still apparent, we are not without hope. Today, we’re reminded that the dark pockets of our world just mean that the story is not finished yet, that You are still at work in us and through us. Help us to gaze upon the Christ child today with open eyes. We pray that Jesus’ light would flow in us and through us. It’s unfathomable that we get to be your partners in bringing new light into the world, that you would choose us to carry forward the light of Christ. We pray that we might never take it for granted that we carriers of your light in a broken world. And no matter what we face, what darkness threatens to overtake us, we rest assured that your light will overcome. And we look forward with hopeful eyes to the day when there will be no more darkness–no more mourning, nor death–only the light of Christ. Until then, together we say come soon, Jesus!
