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Be The Light

As followers of Jesus, we are called to be the light in the midst of a dark world. So, this holiday season, we're challenging you to Be The Light by doing random acts of kindness without expecting anything in return. This could be anything from paying for someone's coffee to buying a stranger a meal at a restaurant, volunteering with your favorite non-profit, to leaving an encouraging note anonymously on someone's car.

Pick up a stack of Be The Light cards at an HPUMC welcome desk and keep them with you to remind you to Be The Light! Give one away with every act of kindness and consider writing a note of encouragement on the back to inspire the next person will continue the trend.

We believe these small acts of kindness can make a real impact on the lives of others. Share your #BeTheLight stories on your social media channels and don't forget to tag us.

Get started today! Here are a few ways you could be someone's light:

  1. Pay for someone’s coffee.
  2. Buy a stranger’s meal at a restaurant.
  3. Spend a day volunteering at your favorite non-profit.
  4. Leave an encouraging note on someone’s car.
  5. Leave a server the biggest tip you can afford.
  6. Get creative! There is no end to the ways you could brighten someone’s day with just a small act of kindness.

Download, cut, and keep these cards with you to remind you to Be The Light! Give one away with every act of kindness. Consider writing a note of encouragement on the back to inspire the next person will continue the trend.