Read the Gospel of John With Us.

If you've ever had the sense that there's got to be something more than this, read the Gospel of John with us. John wrote about what Jesus said and did and experienced so that we might believe—and that by believing, we might have life - real, over the top, this is the more you're looking for—life. The reading starts Labor Day and extends through Easter. We're moving slowly to savor and sink deep, hoping that by reading about him, we might become like him.

"There's got to be something more than this!" Have you had that thought before? Maybe you don't know what more looks like, but you know it's out there - you could find it with a different job, the right partner, a bigger house. What is the more you're looking for?

Jesus gets this about us. In fact, it's his opening line in the book of John: "What are you looking for?" (John 1:38) He asked some fishermen back then - and he's asking you and me now.

If you've ever had the sense that there's got to be something more than this, read the Gospel of John with us. John wrote about what Jesus said and did and experienced so that we might believe—and that by believing, we might have life - real, over the top, this is the more you're looking for—life. The reading starts Labor Day and extends through Easter. We're moving slowly to savor and sink deep, hoping that by reading about him, we might become like him.

How to follow along

Get your journal

Purchase a copy of the John NIV journal online through Amazon or find it at another bookstore. There will also be a limited number of free copies at our Mockingbird campus starting Sunday, Aug. 21.

Sign up for weekly emails

Sign up for the weekly emails featuring in-depth notes on the daily readings. The weekly email is sent out each Sunday afternoon.

Download the app

iPhone and Android users can follow the plan using your device of choice. Find out how to download the HPUMC app.

Get the bookmark

Download a copy of the Gospel of John bookmark for part one from Sep. through Dec. and part two from Jan. to May.



September | Who is Jesus?

Week One

Monday, Sept. 5 | John 1:1-18
Tuesday, Sept. 6
| John 1:1-18
Wednesday, Sept. 7
| John 1:1-18
Thursday, Sept. 8
| John 1:1-18
Friday, Sept. 9
| John 1:1-18

Week Two

Monday, Sept. 12 | John 1:19-28
Tuesday, Sept. 13
| John 1:29-34
Wednesday, Sept. 14
| John 1:35-42
Thursday, Sept. 15
| John 1:43-51
Friday, Sept. 16
| John 1:19-51

Week Three

Monday, Sept. 19 | John 2:1-12
Tuesday, Sept. 20
| John 2:1-12
Wednesday, Sept. 21 | John 2:1-12
Thursday, Sept. 22
| John 2:1-12
Friday, Sept. 23
| John 2:1-12

Week Four

Monday, Sept. 26 | John 2:13-22
Tuesday, Sept. 27 | Psalm 69
Wednesday, Sept. 28 | 2 Samuel 7:1-29
Thursday, Sept. 29 | Leviticus 14:33-53
Friday, Sept. 30 | John 2:23-25

October | Up Close and Personal

Week Five

Monday, Oct. 3 | John 3:1-15
Tuesday, Oct. 4 | Ezekiel 36:22-38
Wednesday, Oct. 5 | Numbers 21:4-9
Thursday, Oct. 6 | John 3:16-21
Friday, Oct. 7 | John 3:22-36

Week Six

Monday, Oct. 10 | John 4:1-15
Tuesday, Oct. 11
| John 2:9-13
Wednesday, Oct. 12
| John 4:16-30
Thursday, Oct. 13
| John 4:31-42
Friday, Oct. 14
| John 4:1-42

Week Seven

Monday, Oct. 17 | John 4:43-45
Tuesday, Oct. 18 | John 4:46-54
Wednesday, Oct. 19 | Isaiah 35:1-10
Thursday, Oct. 20 | Psalm 34:1-22
Friday, Oct. 21 | John 4:43-54

Week Eight

Monday, Oct. 24 | John 5:1-9
Tuesday, Oct. 25 | John 5:10-17
Wednesday, Oct. 26 | Exodus 16:1-36
Thursday, Oct. 27 | Psalm 146:1-10
Friday, Oct. 28 | John 5:1-17

Week Nine

Monday, Oct. 31 | John 5:18-24
Tuesday, Nov. 1 | 1 Sam. 2:1-10
Wednesday, Nov. 2 | John 5:25-29
Thursday, Nov. 3 | John 5:30-47
Friday, Nov. 4 | John 5:18-47

November | Playing With Fire

Week 10

Monday, Nov. 7 | John 6:1-15
Tuesday, Nov. 8 | Numbers 11
Wednesday, Nov. 9 | 2 Kings 4:42-44
Thursday, Nov. 10 | John 6:1-15
Friday, Nov. 11 | Psalm 23

Week 11

Monday, Nov. 14 | John 6:16-21
Tuesday, Nov. 15 | John 6:16-21
Wednesday, Nov. 16 | Exodus 3
Thursday, Nov. 17 | Psalm 107
Friday, Nov. 18 | John 6:16-21

Week 12

No readings for Thanksgiving week, Nov. 21-25. Enjoy the holiday!

Week 13

Monday, Nov. 28 | John 6:22-34
Tuesday, Nov. 29 | Isaiah 55:1-13
Wednesday, Nov. 30 | John 6:35-59
Thursday, Dec. 1 | John 6:60-71
Friday, Dec. 2 | John 6:22-71

Week 14

Monday, Dec. 5 | John 7:1-24
Tuesday, Dec. 6 | John 7:25-36
Wednesday, Dec. 7 | John 7:37-52
Thursday, Dec. 8 | John 8:1-11
Friday, Dec. 9 | John 7:1-8:11

December | Light of the World

Week 15

Monday, Dec. 12 | John 8:12-20
Tuesday, Dec. 13 | John 8:21-30
Wednesday, Dec. 14 | Isaiah 42:1-17
Thursday, Dec. 15 | Psalm 27:1-14
Friday, Dec. 16 | John 8:12-30

Week 16

Monday, Dec. 19 | John 8:31-38
Tuesday, Dec. 20 | John 8:39-47
Wednesday, Dec. 21 | John 8:38-59
Thursday, Dec. 22 | Genesis 12:1-8
Friday, Dec. 23 | John 8:31-59

Week 17 & 18

No readings for Dec. 26-Jan. 6. Enjoy the holiday break!

January | Seeing in Color

Week 19

Monday, Jan. 9 | John 9:1-12
Tuesday, Jan. 10 | Isaiah 29:17-24
Wednesday, Jan. 11 | John 9:1-12
Thursday, Jan. 12 | Psalm 146:1-10
Friday, Jan. 13 | John 9:1-12

Week 20

Monday, Jan. 16 | John 9:13-17
Tuesday, Jan. 17 | John 9:18-23
Wednesday, Jan. 18 | John 9:24-34
Thursday, Jan. 19 | John 9:35-41
Friday, Jan. 20 | John 9:13-41

Week 21

Monday, Jan. 23 | John 10:1-6
Tuesday, Jan. 24 | Ezekiel 34:1-10
Wednesday, Jan. 25 | John 10:7-21
Thursday, Jan. 26 | Ezekiel 34:11-34
Friday, Jan. 27 | John 10:1-21

Week 22

Monday, Jan. 30 | John 10:22-30
Tuesday, Jan. 31 | Deut. 6:1-25
Wednesday, Feb. 1 | John 10:31-42
Thursday, Feb. 2 | Psalm 82:1-8
Friday, Feb. 3 | John 10:22-42

February | There Will Be Trouble

Week 23

Monday, Feb. 6 | John 11:1-16
Tuesday, Feb. 7 | John 11:17-27
Wednesday, Feb. 8 | John 11:28-37
Thursday, Feb. 9 | Psalm 69:1-36
Friday, Feb. 10 | John 11:1-37

Week 25

Monday, Feb. 20 | John 11:45-57
Tuesday, Feb. 21 | John 11:45-53
Wednesday, Feb. 22 | John 11:54-57
Thursday, Feb. 23 | Isaiah 56:1-8
Friday, Feb. 24 | John 11:45-57

March | Hidden Track

Week 26

Monday, Feb. 27 | John 12:1-11
Tuesday, Feb. 28 | John 12:12-19
Wednesday, March 1 | John 12:20-36
Thursday, March 2 | John 12:37-50
Friday, March 3 | John 12:1-50

Week 27

Monday, March 6 | John 13:1-20
Tuesday, March 7 | John 13:21-30
Wednesday, March 8 | John 13:31-35
Thursday, March 9 | John 13:36-38
Friday, March 10 | John 13:1-38

Week 28

Monday, March 13 | John 14:1-7
Tuesday, March 14 | John 14:8-14
Wednesday, March 15 | John 14:15-31
Thursday, March 16 | Ezekiel 36:24-36
Friday, March 17 | John 14:1-31

Week 29

Monday, March 20 | John 15:1-17
Tuesday, March 21 | John 15:18-16:4
Wednesday, March 22 | John 16:5-15
Thursday, March 23 | John 16:16-24
Friday, March 24 | John 16:25-33

Week 30

Monday, March 27 | John 17:1-5
Tuesday, March 28 | John 17:6-12
Wednesday, March 29 | John 17:13-19
Thursday, March 30 | John 17:20-26
Friday, March 31 | John 17:1-26

Week 31

Monday, April 3 | John 18:1-14
Tuesday, April 4 | John 18:15-27
Wednesday, April 5 | John 18:28-40
Thursday, April 6 | John 19:1-27
Friday, April 7 | John 19:28-42

April | Exhale

Week 32

Monday, April 10 | John 20:1-10
Tuesday, April 11 | 1 Corinthians 15:12-22
Wednesday, April 12 | Romans 6:1-11
Thursday, April 13 | Psalm 16:1-11
Friday, April 14 | John 20:1-10

Week 33

Monday, April 17 | John 20:11-18
Tuesday, April 18 | John 20:19-23
Wednesday, April 19 | John 20:24-29
Thursday, April 20 | John 20:30-31
Friday, April 21 | John 20:11-18

Week 34

Monday, April 24 | John 21:1-14
Tuesday, April 25 | Luke 5:1-11
Wednesday, April 26 | John 21:1-14
Thursday, April 27 | Psalm 63:1-11
Friday, April 28 | John 21:1-14

Week 35

Monday, May 1 | John 21:15-25
Tuesday, May 2 | Acts 2:1-41
Wednesday, May 3 | John 21:15-25
Thursday, May 4 | Psalm 31:1-24
Friday, May 5 | John 21:15-25