Kids Choirs provide our children with opportunities to become deeply devoted followers of Christ by learning the joys of praising God through song. We spread the good news of Jesus Christ through teaching songs of faith, Scripture, and Bible stories through music in a fun and welcoming environment. Each of our Kids Choirs performs in a main worship venue on a rotating basis. In the spring, all of our Kids Choirs come together to present a musical in Wesley Hall!
We are excited for all Kids Choirs to begin rehearsals this fall! Rehearsals are 10:30-11 am every Sunday starting in September and continuing through Mother's Day. If you have any questions, please email
GladSong Choir
Kindergarten, Primer, First Grade | Sundays, 10:30 – 11 am, Kids Room 4
JoyfulSpirit Choir
Second-Fifth Grades | Sundays, 10:30 – 11 am, Kids Room 5
Kids Choirs FAQ
Is it too late for my child to join?
NO! Not at all! Come and bring a friend! The Choir door is always open! Our Choir Year is from September to May.
What if I can't come every week?
Please come when you can. Your children will grow in faith and ability and confidence every time they come, so the more often, the better, but please don't let an absence keep you from coming!
What if I have a friend for a sleepover?
Bring your friend! They may want to join us—and that's awesome! Spreading the good news of our Lord is our mission—coming to choir with you could be the first step for a new family to find God!