
At Highland Park United Methodist Church, our mission is to help people become deeply devoted followers of Jesus. We strive to create a place that is loving and welcoming to all, without exception. We look forward to meeting you and walking with you in your faith journey. We are all in different seasons of life with different spiritual needs. For our siblings in Christ who are lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, and queer, we want our church to be a safe place for you to find joy, community, worship, and grow in your faith as part of the HPUMC family.

We believe diversity is a strength and ally of our church and, most importantly, inclusion and diversity are central in Christ’s ministry. At every opportunity, HPUMC seeks ways to be more mindful of inclusivity, knowing that learning more helps us uncover gaps that can be improved, moments for growth, and paths for impact and change. The voices and hearts within the LGBTQ community and allies, as valued members of HPUMC, are key to each of these areas.

Speaking of growth, our groups and spaces are growing! While every part of our church strives to be welcoming, we also know the value of safe, specified spaces. Please feel free to reach out to be connected to our LGBTQ resources, including Sunday morning classes, small groups, and events.

Rev. Camille May is the contact for ministry with the LGBTQ Community. Rev. Camille May can be reached at mayc@hpumc.org.

We also have an advisory group made of HPUMC congregants who are members of the LGBTQ community and allies for the community. This group is dedicated to making all people welcome in our church. For more information about this group, please contact lgbtqinfo@hpumc.org.

Adopting Faith: Patrick and Ryan’s Story

Adopting Faith: Patrick and Ryan’s Story

Patrick and Ryan always knew they wanted to be parents. After experiencing a devastating loss on their adoption journey, they found themselves asking God "why?" In their story, Patrick and Ryan share how they found hope, support, and community at HPUMC — while also finding a church home where they feel welcome to raise their daughter in faith.



Sunday morning classes at Highland Park United Methodist Church are the lifeblood of our community. They certainly make our big church feel small when coming together in groups to encourage growing as disciples as we study, serve, and build community. As one of HPUMC’s LGBTQ ministry resources, Affirmation class is no different! This month we celebrate Affirmation’s second birthday and all the wonderful siblings in Christ who make up our class.

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Two brothers: A story on love and loss

A wedding day is supposed to be the happiest day in anyone’s life. It is not supposed to be one of our saddest moments. For Terry Connor, his wedding day ended up being the last time he would see his older brother, Brian. In his story, Terry shares how he navigated this intensely difficult season and shares why it's so important for those struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts to seek help.