Volunteer Recognition Night Honors Years of Service

May 02, 2023 by Analise Narine

On Thursday, April 27, Volunteer Recognition Night invited lay leaders and volunteers who showed regular and consistent commitment to HPUMC ministries in the past school year to be recognized and celebrated at the Tolleson Family Activity Center.

Guests honored at the event served for 25 years on average and collectively served more than 15,300 members. When guests registered, they were asked how many years and in which ministries they served so that they could be honored.

Jack Brown has served for 70 years—since he was 12 years old. His wife, Deanna Brown, served for 60 years. Jared Heath was recognized for volunteering with the most number of ministries, including Production, HPUMC Kids, Outreach, Sunday Morning Classes, and Carpenters for Christ, during his 27 years of service.

Volunteer Recognition Night was a team effort, with people from each ministry at HPUMC contributing in some way, whether creating cards, arranging light bites, or providing music. At the event, Rev. Paul Rasmussen and Rev. Matt Tuggle spoke about the importance of serving. Rev. Rasmussen mentioned that the number one reason people don’t serve is because they feel unqualified to do so.

“God meets you where you are and enables you to serve,” Serving Coordinator Arang Cistulli said. “This is what our church does for you so you can serve: prepare, train, equip, and empower you. How liberating is it to know you just have to show up, and God does the rest through you if you let Him? That’s what our servers do here at the church, and they experience great joy in serving.”

Arang said that guests at the churchwide event felt appreciated and honored to be recognized for their service, and were able to connect with acquaintances and friends who serve in other areas or ministries.

“People got to see that they are a part of something bigger, whether they are in Belong or a Small Group leader or a Greeter,” Arang said. “What this event reflects is the body of Christ. We want people to feel encouraged and remember that serving is a calling and that they responded to God’s calling and deliberately chose to keep serving. To recognize that is a big deal.”

Learn how you can serve by visiting hpumc.org/serve or by reaching out to Arang Cistulli, Serving Coordinator, at cistullia@hpumc.org.

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