Whether we have been Christians all of our lives or are just starting out on the journey, we likely know to some degree that reading the Bible is important.

But why?

As Christians, the Bible is our sacred canon; it is our primary source and foundation of Christian doctrine. Scripture is the living Word of God. Through the Bible, we learn who God is, who we are in relationship to God, and how to live according to God’s will.

In Scripture, God reveals Himself most definitively through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We also learn about the character and nature of God via God’s redemptive work beginning with creation and in the ongoing activity of the Holy Spirit.

As United Methodists, we understand Scripture to contain all that is necessary for salvation. We also understand Scripture to be a means of grace. John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, identified various ways through which God channels God’s grace and he recognized scriptural study as one of the means.

When we read the Bible, we can expect to receive God’s grace; grace which inspires us, illuminates us, guides us, gives us courage, and ultimately draws us closer to God and God’s love for us.

Experience that grace with these three ways to make studying the Bible a part of your life this fall.

Join us for a daily journey through the Gospel of Mark

Now’s the perfect time to create the habit of diving into the Bible every day because starting on Monday, September 9, we’re reading through the Gospel of Mark for 12 weeks. Passages are dated and designed to be read each weekday, typically taking less than five minutes.

The Gospel of Mark is the first written account we have of the life of Jesus of Nazareth, undoubtedly the most influential person to have ever lived. He is still known, admired, and even worshiped by billions of people in every nation around the world 2,000 years after his death.

Read along here or pick up a copy of the devotional at The Hub on Sunday, September 8. It's never too late to jump in!

Take a class exploring the Old Testament

Explore the Old Testament’s story of God and God’s calling of the people of Israel through the many voices of the biblical text. This study, Invitation to the Old Testament with Rev. Walt Marcum will give you a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Old Testament as an integral part of the Bible and a renewed discovery of our identity in God and God’s vision for all things.

Learn to pray through the book of Psalms

Make a deeper connection to the world of the Psalms and learn how these Scriptures give voice to all aspects of our human experience — joy, faith, uncertainty, and sorrow.

This class is ideal for adults who are interested in the practice of prayer and worship. By reading just two chapters of Psalms a week, you will discover the life-altering stories that invite you to follow Christ as true disciples.