I did it! I actually read an entire book of the Bible. Writing that sentence makes me pretty vulnerable. I grew up in the church, I work at a church, and this is the first time I have read through an entire book of the Bible.

Sure, I have read Scripture, participated in small groups, and am active in my Sunday morning class, but to actually commit to reading every day for 47 days and really pay attention, that is a first.

When the Book of Mark reading plan launched, I thought, “Okay, I’ll see how this goes.” The first day was easy, then the second day I thought, “I’m going to post this to my social media.” After a week of reading and posting, I was committed and it was something I looked forward to — I wanted to keep reading. Having the bite-sized Scripture each day, writing and circling keywords and phrases, it all made the Bible come alive for me.

Sitting down and reading through Scripture has always been tough for me. I read it, but I don’t let it actually sink in. But with the Mark study, I committed. I committed to reading not once, but multiple times throughout the day. I used my study Bible to help me understand more of what the Scripture was saying, and that was a game-changer.

“Then Jesus said, ‘Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.’” (Mark 4:9). This verse stuck out to me because the type of listening Jesus wants from us is not like listening to background music or the way we listen when friends start to tell a story we’ve already heard. To truly hear Jesus’ words is to believe them, to use them immediately in decisions and attitudes, and base your life on them.

This came true on Day 16, when I had an “Aha!” moment. As I talked with a colleague, I referenced the Scripture for that day and realized that is exactly what God intends for us to do by reading the Bible. Reading is the beginning, but applying it is where transformation happens.

“Calling the Twelve to him, he began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over impure spirits.” (Mark 6:7). I just love the beautiful imagery of the disciples going out with a buddy, two by two.

I am reminded that God wants us to be in community together, to study together, and to learn together. This verse was an incredible reminder that we are not to live life alone.

In my Sunday morning class at church, we spent about three weeks going over the book of Mark. It was so lovely to sit with friends and listen to each other’s perspective of that week’s Scripture. That is how we learn, creating a space for discussion.

As the Mark study closes, I am preparing for Advent, and for the first time, I’m looking forward to engaging in the Scripture. Now that I have the tools to make Scripture come alive, I’m eager for more of it.