Dawn’s Story: God never wastes pain

July 25, 2017

If you were going through a hard time in life, who would you turn to for advice? Often, the person who is most qualified to help in these moments, happens to be the one who has experienced hard times for themselves.

God never wastes pain.

Rev. Dawn Anderson, an Associate Minister for HPUMC’s Congregational Care Department, knows this truth firsthand. Dawn has walked through a combination of storms few others have experienced. Not only did those storms transform her relationship with God, they also left her uniquely qualified to help others.

Because of her own pain, Dawn is now able to help others in pain.

Today, she leads a litany of support groups at HPUMC, from DivorceCare, to Celebrate Recovery, Forever Moms, Christian Survivors of Suicide and more. For those who are in the midst of life’s darkest moments, Dawn serves as a beacon of light, offering help and hope.

This is Dawn’s story.