Generations of Joy: VBS 2023

June 20, 2023 by Analise Narine

A church in motion stays in motion; HPUMC’s 2023 Vacation Bible School is a perfect example. The theme, “Ready, Set, Move,” was jam-packed with fun movement activities, as more than 650 kids learned how to follow Jesus here, there, and everywhere. Kids danced each day away, from the opening to the closing ceremonies in Wesley Hall; from toddlers to fifth graders, attendees got up and got moving.

Next to them was another group: the more than 100 youth and 200 adult volunteers making VBS happen, many of whom have personal connections to HPUMC. VBS 2023 reflected the church family—and the families who attend church together.

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In fitting with the “Move” portion of the theme, this year saw the music rotation return for the first time since 2019. Alex Popejoy, adult volunteer, loved this part of VBS 2023 and the message that came with it.

“I always think of the verse when Jesus says, ‘Let the kids come to me,’” Alex said. I feel the Holy Spirit here. Something about a tiny voice talking about Jesus being their best friend just warms your soul.”

Alex, along with her husband and 15-month-old child, attends Cornerstone services and participates in moms’ Bible studies and events at the church.

“This church has become a family to me,” she said. “I see the other side—of these moms praying for them and trying to raise them to love Jesus—then watch it come out at VBS with these sweet kids.”

In order for parents to keep up with what their kids were learning each day, texts were sent with links to the VBS 2023 Spotify playlist; the Bible story taught for each day; and table topics to keep the conversation going at home.

Nine-year-old participant Judd enjoyed hearing these impactful Bible stories, along with being with his brother, making new friends, and playing games in his fourth year at VBS.

“I learned that when you listen to Jesus, things work out,” Judd said. “Like moving on the rocks instead of sand—when you move on the sand, the water will wash your house away, but the rocks will keep you steady.”

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Thanks to an increased number of volunteers at VBS this year, most group sizes stayed under 12, allowing students to have more one-on-one time with volunteers and get to know them, dive deeper into the teachings, and then potentially come back and recognize the same volunteers on Sunday mornings.

This personal connection is something 17-year-old youth leader Wyatt experienced firsthand. Wyatt has been involved in VBS for 15 years, first as an attendee and now six years as a volunteer. This year, he was at the Tolleson Family Activity Center with fourth and fifth-graders and was also joined by his younger brother and aunt.

“It’s been a tradition of my family, and I have fun doing it every year,” Wyatt said. “It’s awesome being able to go through this experience with them. It’s a great way to kick off the summer, seeing the kids learn about God. One of the kids in our group was asking me tons of questions about my faith in God. To me, that means a lot, because it shows that I'm making an impact on their lives.”

The continued theme through the week of “following Jesus here, there, and everywhere” has application in the lives of the kids, as well as in Wyatt’s own journey as he approaches college.

“It represents a lot, being ready to follow God's path and trust that He'll lead you to the right destination,” he said. “It shows the kids that no matter where you are, God will be with you, and to keep having faith—regardless of whether you're in your highs or your lows.”

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Natalie Lesikar, VBS 2023 early elementary coordinator, remembers attending VBS at HPUMC every summer when she was a child. She fondly recalls seeing friends there who she also went to school with. Now, as an adult, Natalie has connected with fellow moms volunteering at VBS.

“We all live in different parts of Dallas, but this is our common ground,” Natalie said. “Our children are all friends, and we all try to do things together. The more involved you get and the more that you do within the church, the smaller it feels.”

There was another person at VBS when Natalie was a child that would become a special person in her life—her husband. Natalie and her husband first met in the Day School at HPUMC. Little did they know that, decades later, their own kids would attend VBS just as they did.

“It’s just what you always hope for,” Natalie said. “I’m seeing it all come full circle, and it made such a lasting impact on me. My hope is that our children learn that they can come back and do this, whether that's coming back as a youth volunteer or coming back with their own children.”

VBS 2023 marks Natalie’s fifth year, which she said was a fun and meaningful experience, especially since her mother-in-law taught and her two daughters attended.

“It makes me emotional,” Natalie said “It's so amazing. There are also so many grandmothers volunteering that brought their grandchildren this year, which I think is super special—their children came through and now they’re back.”

A fan of singing and dancing herself, Natalie loved watching the kids worship and dance to “Ready, Set, Move” from the VBS 2023 soundtrack in Wesley Hall to start and end each day.

“You get to see the kids just shine and be themselves,” Natalie said. “The music and dancing give them a chance to be free, move around, and sing about Jesus. Everyone really embraced the week, from the volunteers to the kids.”

“The first day, we're all learning the songs and music together. By the last day, my kids request the songs in the car. We're doing the memory verse while we brush our teeth. We're talking about it at the dinner table. It’s so fun to see them come alive through the ‘Ready, Set, Move’ theme. They're not just singing it—they feel it.”

-Katie Rose, VBS 2023 leader

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