Britton Banowsky was at the top of the ladder, working as the commissioner for Conference USA, the college sports conference stretching from Texas to Florida. But when he realized just how many in Dallas were living in extreme poverty, everything started to shift.

It began with Banowsky volunteering his time at the Bridge Homeless Recovery Center. One day, Banowsky says the light bulb went off, and he realized that he could use the same skills he’d sharpened working in sports to make a difference in the lives of those around him.

Same industry, same skills, but a huge difference in community impact

One step at a time, Banowsky used his professional skills, network, and his God-given passion to create real social change. Banowsky now runs the College Football Playoff Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to elevating the teaching profession across the country. Its direct results are improved early childhood education and the creation of a college-going culture, which provides the intervention needed for individuals to break out of the cycle of poverty.

You are equally empowered

We believe God has equipped you, as he did Banowsky, with a set of skills, a network of people, and a position of influence that can be leveraged to change the systems that keep people trapped in the recurring cycle of poverty from generation to generation.

This kind of change isn’t cut and dried. It can’t be contained inside a set number of service hours. It’s a re-orientation in how you think and how you leverage your talents.

We don’t know what that looks like in your life – given your skills, your network and your position. But our Just Love Team can help you discern what’s possible and connect you with a partner or problem where you feel called.

Become a game changer

Are you ready to become a system changer? Visit this page and click on “Change” to get started.