Sermons: All Series


Imagine you possessed an item of great value. Something that was rare and irreplaceable. What lengths would you go to in order to protect it? What would you do to ensure it wasn’t in danger?

Chasing Light

Light: perhaps the most important part of all creation. Light brings clarity. Light is the catalyst for growth. Without light, life simply cannot exist. And there is nowhere light shines brighter than at its source. 2,000 years ago, common, ordinary pilgrims went on a quest chasing that source. In many ways, we’re still chasing the same thing.


Like most defining things in life, our faith has roots. When we examine those roots, we can more deeply understand our beliefs, our practices, and most importantly our relationship with God today. In this series, we will specifically look at our United Methodist roots in order to understand our place in the present Christian landscape. And hopefully, we will find our own renewal in the same values that gave life to the early Methodist movement.