Sermons: All Series

Just Love

What’s the point? Why do you come on Sundays? Support the church? Play by the rules? What (or who) is it all for? Join us for Just Love, a three-week series that drills down to the point of the Gospel. It’s possible you’ve been missing it.

The Good Life

One of the most essential promises of Christianity is abundant life. Jesus said it himself in John 10:10: “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

It’s not uncommon to think that promise translates into “having a good life.” But here’s the question – what makes it good? Money, prosperity, happiness, healthy relationships? What exactly was Jesus talking about when he promised us abundance? If you’ve ever heard this promise preached, but have been a little confused about where you can expect to find abundance or what the good life really is, this sermon series is for you.