LENT 2024

Lent is a season of 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday, traditionally oriented toward self-discipline and reflection. It is often accompanied by a commitment to fast, pray, and grow deeper in faith as we prepare to honor what Jesus' miraculous resurrection means for us during Holy Week.

The practice of prayer is a continuous process that aims to bring us closer to God. Whether praying in gratitude, praying for a breakthrough, or praying for others, there are always ways to improve our prayer life—what better time to do so than during the Lenten season? For each day of every week, we'll focus on a different way to pray, hoping to develop practices that stay with us long after Lent is over.

On Sunday

Practicing Gratitude

Research proves that the practice of gratitude actually has the power to rewire our brains to the point where we begin noticing more of the positives and less of the negatives. To start the week during Lent, we’re encouraging you to spend a few moments thinking about what you’re thankful for. Remember to be specific, don't repeat, and dig deep.

On Monday


Each Monday during Lent, we’ll borrow from someone else’s thoughts on prayer. We will lay it before you, and invite you to reflect on your own practice. We hope that by learning how others think about prayer, our prayers will be clarified and strengthened.

On Tuesday

Praying the Psalms

For thousands of years, the Psalms have given language to the prayers of God’s people, including Jesus. They are words God gives us to speak to Him about our experiences and emotions. Each week, we will focus on a psalm that evokes a different emotion, paying attention to what it can teach us about what it looks like to pray through that honestly and wholeheartedly.

On Wednesday

Praying in Community

There’s something powerful that happens when we join with others in prayer. Not only do we get the opportunity to bear one another’s burdens, encourage each other, and celebrate with others, but we also get to witness the ways God answers the prayers of our communities. Throughout the week, use the space in your book as a way to keep track of the people you are praying for, and take at least 15 minutes to pray for each person or item specifically.

On Thursday


When we don’t know what to say or don’t have the words, we turn to the familiar prayers that Christians have relied on for generations to give shape to their thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. In this way, liturgy is both communal and an act of worship. We need liturgies like these because often they push us to pray for things we wouldn’t normally pray for. As you pray liturgy, pay attention to what surprises you about the prayer, including the things you maybe wouldn't have thought of on your own.

On Friday

Listening Prayer

If prayer is a conversation, we must practice listening to what our conversation partner has to say. Listening to others happens most naturally when we are quiet and curious. The same is true of listening to God. Each Friday, we’ll provide you with a brief thought, and prompt you to spend a chunk of time in silence, curious about what God might say to you.