This Week in Revelation

  • Wednesday, April 3 Register by Tuesday, April 2
  • 7:00pm – 8:00pm
  • Online only

Angels, plagues, beasts, dragons... These are just some of the intense images you'll encounter as you read the Book of Revelation. It's a bizarre and complex letter that has been used by some as a pseudo roadmap to the apocalypse. But far from a story about the end of the world, this fascinating letter is actually a story about God's rescue plan for the whole world. Starting Wednesday, April 3, we are exploring Revelation together. Join Alex Johnston, Director of Spiritual Formation, each Wednesday at 7 pm over Zoom to discuss the main points of the week's reading and how it can still inspire us today. Be sure to bring your questions!

This class is online only.
Wednesdays, April 3 – May 8
Time: 7-8 pm
Led by: Alex Johnston
Register here:

If you have any questions about this event please email