
Top 10 Most-Watched Sermons of 2021

Our mission at HPUMC is to help you grow in your faith by becoming a more deeply devoted follower of Jesus Christ. We believe that one of the biggest ways to do that is through attending worship.

That’s why we’re taking a look back at the most-watched messages of 2021. Whether it’s a sermon about letting go of past hurts, slowing down, or who is influencing you, we hope you’ll grab your journal, a cup of coffee, and watch (or re-watch) a message that speaks to you.

Can you believe it? A new year is almost here!

We’re celebrating by highlighting some key moments at HPUMC from 2021, including top stories, the most-watched messages, and more.

Of course, there are a lot of reasons to be excited about the future as well, so don’t forget to check out several things to look forward to in 2022.

10. How to Navigate Conflict | Rev. Matt Tuggle

If you want to be good at life, you have to be good at conflict. As Rev. Tuggle shared this Sunday, some of us are great at avoiding conflict and others are great at starting conflict. Few of us are good at navigating conflict. In this message, we get a tutorial from Jesus on how to do conflict the right way. What Jesus offers in this passage is so good it’s borderline obnoxious. It’s obnoxious because it’s so obviously true and so clearly practical, yet antithetical to the way most of us want things to be.

9. Hello Hurricane: Surviving the Storm | Rev. Matt Tuggle

How do we survive the storms? We all know they come. You or someone you know is in one right now. How do we weather the storms well? That's the question Rev. Matt Tuggle addressed in this message by looking at Psalm 23 and seeing what it says to us about weathering storms.

8. Break the Cycle | Rev. Paul Rasmussen

Ever held a grudge? You know, that feeling of bitterness and resentment against people who have hurt you. And you just can’t let it go! Of course, you have. We all do. As Rev. Rasmussen explains in this message, letting go of past hurts is one of the most difficult things in life to do. It’s also among the more important. Maybe that’s why God has so much to say about it. In a time when holding onto grudges seems to be a badge of honor and a sign of strength, a way to let go of them might be just what we need.

7. The Biggest Grudge of All | Rev. Paul Rasmussen

Part of Rev. Paul Rasmussen’s series on grudges, this message explores an important question: What if the very grudge you need to release the most is the one you hold against yourself? Far too often, it's easier to let go of pain caused by others than the pain we've caused ourselves. That's why so many live lives of shame and guilt.

6. Slowing Down and Showing Up | Rev. Matt Tuggle

Rev. Tuggle wrapped up his series about eliminating hurry by talking about slowing. Why does slowing matter? How do we actually do it? Fair warning: The reason slowing down matters is a kick in the gut!

5. And A Little Prayer Might Help Too | Rev. Paul Rasmussen

"Do not be anxious about anything." Sounds great and even biblical, but it can be difficult to get there in your mind. In this sermon, Rev. Rasmussen takes a look at an important tool in gaining control over our thought life. If you feel like the internal voice of worry just will not leave you alone, you'll want to hear this message.

4. The Importance of Friends | Rev. Paul Rasmussen

Friends. We all need them. We all have them. But in this message, Rev. Paul Rasmussen poses the question: Have you ever really stopped to consider just how much influence the people you call friends have on your life? In many ways, our friends determine the direction and quality of our life.

3. Vanquish the Voice | Rev. Paul Rasmussen

No one talks to you more than you. No one counsels you more than you. No one coaches you up more than you! If that's true, how is that inner coach doing? Are you headed in the right direction, or does that voice inside your head have you more confused and lost than ever? If so, you might need to listen to another voice. You might need to “Fire The Coach!” In this message, Rev. Rasmussen looks at some practical and biblical ways to let go of the toxic voice and start listening to a better one.

2. Influencer | Rev. Paul Rasmussen

A social influencer. Do you know the term? It describes those people who have commandeered so many followers on social media they can literally influence the purchasing decisions of the public. Nowadays, it seems like everyone wants to be one. But what if our understanding of influence is wrong? What if we have accidentally let one of God's greatest gifts go misinterpreted? Rev. Rasmussen speaks in this message about the power of influence and how to use it.

  1. Fire the Coach | Rev. Paul Rasmussen

Who has the most influence in your life? Your parents? Your boss? Your spouse? Who helps you make decisions or think things through? Whose advice do you listen to the most? One more question: Whoever that person is, are they doing a good job? We all receive influence and direction from somewhere. In this message, Rev. Rasmussen gives some thought to the most influential voice in our life.