Up Close and Personal: Greg Leet

October 25, 2022 by Analise Narine

Come and See

Read the Gospel of John With Us

The longing for more is common to us all. Come and see what John can teach you about our Savior and how He's the “more” you’re looking for—you won’t want to miss it.

How do you define success? Is it measured by how much money you make? How many people know you? How many goals you hit at work? For congregant Greg Leet, performance-based success was once more important than almost anything else in his life, and the pursuit of it began to weigh heavily on his shoulders.

“It was ‘You can be the best at this. You can be better, if not the best,’” he said. “I was chasing things that even if I accomplished certain steps along the path, the steps kept getting longer, so I could never get to the mountaintop. Come Monday, I had a whole new set of steps to go after.”

As a result of constantly climbing what seemed to be a never-ending set of steps, Leet became worn out with his goals and way of living.

“I came to a breaking point where I just had enough,” he said. “I think we can run ourselves ragged at a pace where mentally you break down, your body breaks down, you get tired of it. You just can't do it anymore—you can't be in that cycle.”

While Leet has always had a faith foundation, one moment with the Lord encouraged him to recenter his life.

“I was just in my kitchen with my wife, and then I just felt this overwhelming presence across my body that was just incredible,” he said. “It was such a calming effect. It was a feeling of the Holy Spirit coming over me, helping me find peace and the fact that there's comfort in the Lord and there's more to life than what you're pursuing.”

Leet said the Lord encouraged him to live a life that prioritizes significance, not success. He began to turn his old ways of thinking into ways that aligned with God’s will for his life.

“I've learned to realize that this life is not all about me, that this life is about serving the Lord,” Leet said. “When I look back at my life, I realize that God has provided for my family and me and has given us great experiences, amazing people, and the opportunity to get with small groups and donate and be involved in charities.”

Leet now finds himself praying throughout the day, and he has gotten plugged into Cornerstone with his family.

“There's so much more to this world and serving others and helping people and being part of foundations or other nonprofits, versus spending time on work-related success—goals and money and achievement,” he said. “I'm excited to continue to grow in my relationship with Christ. And I know that if we live by faith, not by sight, and we have the faith of 2 Corinthians 5:7, then we're going to have an amazing life ahead of us.”

“As our roots become stronger, the fruit of our branches will be gratitude and love and peace and patience and kindness, but also affect more and more people down the road. If we strengthen our roots, the branches and fruit God will take care of. He'll put us where we need to be. It's the daily steps that strengthen the roots—the rest will come.” - Greg Leet