Series: Cultivate Love

Passing the Baton

Rev. Paul Rasmussen

September 29, 2024 Sanctuary

Click here to view the Sermon Reflection Guide.

“Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” For thousands of years and throughout generations, devout Jews have been reciting these words as part of a daily prayer called the Shema. It is one of the most important prayers in history for all of God’s people, and Jesus declares it the Greatest Commandment in the Gospels! The Shema calls us to center our lives around our love for God, and it reminds us that we must impress that love upon our children.

One of the most important responsibilities we have as a church is passing down the love of Christ to the next generation, but how do we do it? How do we truly model love–the first fruit of the Holy Spirit–for those coming behind us? In this sermon, we take one last look at the fruit of love and how we pass the baton to the children in our church family.