Series: Cultivate Patience

Hope is Born: The Wonder in the Waiting

Rev. Matt Tuggle

December 15, 2024 Cornerstone

Click here to view the Sermon Reflection Guide.

Among the many titles given to Mary, the mother of Jesus, she was also known as theotokos or “God-bearer.” Just as God chose Mary, He has also chosen to be in a relationship with you. As followers of Christ, we carry the presence of God with us wherever we go. This Christmas, remember that you are carrying the Holy Spirit inside of you and are called to bear God to the world around you.

In this week’s sermon, we continue the backstory of Jesus in Luke 1 by looking at Mary, an ordinary young woman who was chosen and called by God. Although she did not fully understand God’s plan or timing, Mary’s response provides an example of how we are to open ourselves to the wonder of what God wants to do in our lives, even in the midst of waiting.