Series: Cultivate Peace

A Peace of Me: Inner Peace

Rev. Matt Tuggle

November 10, 2024 Cornerstone

Click here to view the Sermon Reflection Guide.

Jesus tells us that in this life, we will have trouble (John 16:33). It is not a matter of if, but when. Yet, we can still experience inner peace as the storms around us do not have to become the storms within us.

In Matthew 14, we see Peter’s incredible act of faith as he walks on water toward Jesus in the midst of a literal storm. However, when Peter’s focus shifts to the storm around him, he is overcome with fear and begins to sink before being saved by Jesus, who brought peace to the storm by his very presence.

Peace is not the absence of trouble; it is the presence of God in our lives. The key to being people who cultivate peace in our lives is not about avoiding the storm, it’s knowing how to navigate the storm.