We're reading The Book of Mark

We’re reading through the Gospel of Mark over the next 12 weeks, so now’s the perfect time to create the habit of diving into the Bible every day. Passages are designed to be read each weekday, typically taking less than five minutes.

The Gospel of Mark is the first written account we have of the life of Jesus of Nazareth, undoubtedly the most influential person to have ever lived. He is still known, admired, and even worshiped by billions of people in every nation around the world 2,000 years after his death.

We believe that God can use the Bible to transform ordinary people into deeply devoted followers of Jesus. It's never too late to jump in! Let us know you're in by signing up below. You'll receive occasional updates and notes on the readings.


Get the Book

Unfortunately, we have run out of physical copies of the books. But you can download a web-version here.


Sign up for Weekly Emails

Each week we will dive into Mark in a different ways through video, short testimonies, and other unique ways to help provide context to each passage.


Download the Bookmark

Want to read in your own Bible? You can download this handy bookmark to stay up to date with the entire plan.


Follow on Instagram

Each day we will go through the book in our Stories feed. Follow us here.

Additional Resources and Tips

Not sure how to get started? Want to make the most of this Bible study? Check out the tips below on how to best use this reading plan.


Be consistent.

The readings are Monday-Friday. On the weekends, catch up if you get behind or read a Psalm.


Forget what you already know.

Read what’s actually in the text, approaching it with humility and with as few preconceptions as possible.


Read slowly and carefully.

Each day’s reading is very short; savor it.


Mark up the text.

Look for connections, contradictions, conundrums. What questions does it raise? Circle, underline, highlight, annotate.


Be prepared to be challenged.

When believers approach Bible study they are encountering a living Word, not analyzing a dead fish. Students of God’s living Word need to be open to the fact that the Word challenges our cultural assumptions in surprising ways.


Don't be afraid of difficult or mystery.

God’s word is sometimes built around surprising paradoxes. An important part of reading the Bible is noticing unexpected twists in the text and deeply pondering their meaning. God is a God of surprises.


Allow the Holy Spirit to nudge you.

Get quiet and let God show you insights about who He is and what He wants to show you through this passage. Is He nudging you to think about an issue or do something in response to the passage? Sit with that idea and talk with God about it.