Foundations of the Faith

  • Oct 3, 2023
  • 6:30pm – 8:00pm
  • Room #3, Second Floor, Kids Area

Credo is Latin for “I believe.” The core tenets of Christianity, embodied in the creeds, have remained remarkably stable across the faith for millennia. Join us this fall as we move together through Tim Keller’s "What We Believe" series of sermons. Topics will include the person of God, the person of Jesus, the person of the Holy Spirit, sin and salvation, what the Bible tells us about the end of history, and other topics.

Each of these classes is standalone. You can attend all nine weeks, one week, or anything in between.

Led by: Jim Swayze, MA Apologetic

Tuesdays, September 12–November 14
6:30–8 pm, Room #3, Second Floor, Kids Area
Cost: No charge

If you have any questions about this event please email