Can We Really Believe the Bible?

  • Feb 20, 2024
  • 6:30pm – 8:00pm
  • Room #3 (Second Floor, Kids Area)

As Christians, we are called to be prepared to answer questions regarding our faith. In this class, we will analyze critical issues raised by modern New Testament scholars by asking the following: Are miracles possible? How does the answer to that question affect how we read the gospels? What are we to make of differences between gospel accounts of the life of Jesus? Are the gospels historically reliable? Do we have accurate copies of the original gospel accounts? Were the gospel accounts divinely inspired? And finally, what authority do the gospels have in the Christian life?

Cost: No charge, but you will need to purchase your own copy of Can We Still Believe the Bible? by Craig L. Blomberg

Tuesdays, January 9– February 27
6:30–8 pm, Room #3 (Second Floor, Kids Area)
Register by: Wednesday, January 3
Led by: Jim Swayze

If you have any questions about this event please email