Events: All Classes
Restoring Wholeness
Tuesday, March 25 -
12:00pm – 1:15pm -
Walt Marcum Lounge
Restoring Wholeness is a new six-session class that explores anxiety, depression, loneliness, loss, and grief and provides spiritual support for difficult times. In this course, you will learn about the impact of these strong emotions in your own lives and experience spiritual practices which give you hope.
Beyond the Broken Heart
Tuesday, March 25 -
6:00pm – 7:30pm -
Room 254 -
If you are grieving the death of one you love, the Beyond the Broken Heart grief group offers comfort, support, and encouragement for the journey through grief and hope for life beyond grief.
Tuesday Nights Men’s Bible Study | Mark: Follow Me
Tuesday, March 25 -
6:45pm – 8:00pm -
Room 244/245 or Online -
In the New Testament Gospel of Mark, we meet Jesus, the man who is King. But this king comes to serve—not to be served. Tuesday Nights is a community of men who meet weekly to study the Bible. New guests are welcome at any time!
Invisible Sisterhood
Tuesday, March 25 -
7:30pm – 8:30pm -
Online via Zoom
When the world is posting pictures and sharing stories about their children, those unable or struggling to have a child often feel invisible. This group gives a unique voice to this longing while embracing God’s love for us as beloved daughters.
The Old Testament
Wednesday, March 26 -
12:00pm – 1:00pm -
Room 120 or Online
The Old Testament is approximately 85% of our Protestant Bible. The New Testament and our faith as Christians is based on the Old Testament, its narrative, events, and characters. In this series, we will survey the grand scope and structure of the Old Testament.
How to Read the Bible
Wednesday, March 26 -
12:00pm – 1:00pm -
Room 218
The Bible is one of the most influential books in human history. It explores the big questions, like why we exist and where this world is headed. Join Elizabeth Hamill for this three-part class designed to introduce you to the Bible, its storyline, and how we approach it.
Practicing the Way Cohort
Wednesday, March 26 -
12:00pm – 1:00pm -
Room 244/245
We are all becoming someone. The question is, who are you becoming? And is it who you want to be? Practicing the Way Cohorts are designed to help you integrate your faith into your everyday life. Cohorts gather biweekly to discuss, encourage, and support one another as we explore what it means to follow Jesus and reclaim the nine traditional practices of Jesus.
What is the Holy Spirit?
Wednesday, March 26 -
7:00pm – 8:00pm -
Online via Zoom
This year, during the Lenten season, we’re exploring what (or who) the Spirit is and what it means for Jesus to call the Spirit our helper. Beginning in the first pages of Scripture, we’ll trace the work of God’s Spirit through the Biblical story to unlock the mystery of the Holy Spirit and its power to transform our lives.
Becoming One Again
Thursday, March 27 -
6:30pm – 8:00pm -
Room 244/245 -
Becoming One Again is a divorce recovery program designed for individuals at any stage of the separation or divorce process and those who have previously gone through a divorce and wish to continue healing.
Enneagram: Know Yourself, Know Others
Saturday, March 29 -
9:00am – 2:00pm -
Bush Family Confirmation Center -
As we continue our journey to cultivate the Fruits of the Spirit, turning our focus to gentleness, the Enneagram can serve as a valuable resource. Join this workshop and learn ways to cultivate gentleness toward yourself and toward others by understanding our different motivations and expectations.